What is Dental Implants?

Dental implants consist of metal implant screws that hold a single prosthetic tooth. The implant is surgically positioned into the jawbone, beneath the gums. Dental implants replicate the entire tooth, including the crown and the root. Bone loss is kept to a minimum and healthy teeth are preserved so patients can enjoy increased stability and confidence in eating and speaking.

How Can Dental Implants Help You?

Dental implants function exactly like your natural teeth because they are fused with the jawbone. They closely resemble normal teeth, offering a far more comfortable and natural option than traditional dentures.

Dr Engelbrecht will use crowns to cover teeth that have been damaged, usually due to cracking, staining or chipping. A crown is usually placed over the damaged tooth, hiding it from view and giving the appearance of a complete, healthy natural tooth.

Dental Implants can:

  • Restore one or all missing teeth
  • Anchor a dental bridge
  • Support a full denture

Your Dental Implant Treatment

The first step in the process is booking a consultation with Dr Engelbrecht. She will take you through the process and schedule the implant surgery for a time that is convenient for you.

During the implant surgery, a tiny incision is made in the gum and the implant screw is gently positioned in the jawbone. You then take a break from treatment for around three months, to allow the implant to securely integrate with your bone.

Between three and six months later, we invite you to return to Dr Engelbrecht’s rooms to have your new tooth prosthetic fitted. Once the prosthetic is placed on your implant, your dental implant is complete!